Friday, October 24, 2008


so my pallio juliana and i went to see nick & norah's infinite playlist. here is a list of things that you might not have noticed were in the movie but definitely were.

"gay. gay. every day. all the time. if anyone's gonna get raped in that van, it'll be a guy."

-acid trip
-drunken haze
-profuse gayness
-tongue action
-bad city-name jokes
-i love you so much it's retarded
-muscle cramping
-awkward giggling
-bathroom breaks
-running & screaming in the street
-catholic school moments
-talking to food
-bouncing bouncers
-ellen degeneres reference
-russian hippies
-southern bisexuals
-epic religion
-strange homeless people
-run away, little canary
-awkward drag dancing in the style of christmas
-unwashed pants
-red flag relationships
-chewed gum
-feet on faces
-black jack davey
-strange mating rituals
-eating feelings
-chocolate by the bald men
-possible lesbianism
-sweet grooves
-bad parallel parking
-reckless driving
-cleavage. lots.

that said, go see the movie. now you can do like a scavenger hunt and find everything i found. kapiche? kapiche.

1 comment:

juliana said...