Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i decided to post again today because i only have a crap post on here from yesterday and i wouldn't like you to think that all i write is crap posts (though it may be true; we'll see). today was kinda slow though... all night i kept falling asleep and waking up and doing random things, like (according to my roommate; i myself have no memory of it) working on chemistry for 40 minutes at 2 am, and taking a shower at 5 am... um. i had classes, then came back to my room and read part of "looking for alaska," which is an okay book. it isn't great or anything but as far as YA lit goes, it's pretty good. then i slept until 6... and went to calc tutoring until 8... and now here i am at 8:30. if you hadn't noticed already, college life is EXTREMELY exciting.

i'm just happy because we have a four-day break coming up :P i'm not taking the train, unfortunately, but my father is driving down to pick me up... yay! i'm not sure what i'm doing for break, but i'm sure it'll involve a lot of sleeeeeep.

sleep is what i've rather been craving lately... got nearly 8 hours last night and a 2 hour nap today. it's kind of unfortunate that i have, you know, WORK to do, or i'd be sleeping right now... anyway. here's what's been going on:

1. four people on my floor - that's 19% mind you - are now wearing collars. like dog collars. they have no real reason for this. seriously. i asked, so why are you wearing a collar? all they said was, uhh idk. i figured maybe there was some strange significance for this collar-habit, but there isn't. so i'll keep you updated on this. i hope no one else starts wearing collars. life here is already weird enough, y'know?

2. my roommate says i have freshman depression, and that all freshmen get it, but as far as i can tell, no one else is depressed? this fact kinda makes me more depressed. that and my constant listening to elliott smith and kill paradise. and now jimmy eat world (drugs or me). hmmmmm. happiness much? i think not.

anyhoozer. i'm going to go study for my bio test... and ATTEMPT calc homework... and clean my room since we have some sort of inspection combo tomorrow (blech!). maybe finish some books later, and then - you guessed it - SLEEP. glorious, glorious SLEEP.

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