Friday, October 24, 2008


so my pallio juliana and i went to see nick & norah's infinite playlist. here is a list of things that you might not have noticed were in the movie but definitely were.

"gay. gay. every day. all the time. if anyone's gonna get raped in that van, it'll be a guy."

-acid trip
-drunken haze
-profuse gayness
-tongue action
-bad city-name jokes
-i love you so much it's retarded
-muscle cramping
-awkward giggling
-bathroom breaks
-running & screaming in the street
-catholic school moments
-talking to food
-bouncing bouncers
-ellen degeneres reference
-russian hippies
-southern bisexuals
-epic religion
-strange homeless people
-run away, little canary
-awkward drag dancing in the style of christmas
-unwashed pants
-red flag relationships
-chewed gum
-feet on faces
-black jack davey
-strange mating rituals
-eating feelings
-chocolate by the bald men
-possible lesbianism
-sweet grooves
-bad parallel parking
-reckless driving
-cleavage. lots.

that said, go see the movie. now you can do like a scavenger hunt and find everything i found. kapiche? kapiche.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

taking advantage of my annual mania.

look. it's fabulous.
a blog post a day. and a novel a month.

juliana, i expect you to do this too... we can just add it to our List Of Amazing Accomplishments, So On And So Forth.


na na na naaaa twizzle

i'm in the place where i do most of my blogging, or some of it, or whatever. i like this place. there's a fuzzy rug.

today i went to goodwill for the first time in ages. i bought a lot of indie things and a tshirt that says "pop lock & drop it." i am very impressed and think it quite goodlooking.

i dropped calculus today and nearly cried sweet tears of relief.
i have been sleeping a lot still but that's okay. now i get to sleep in until 9 or 9:30 every morning :) this is pleasing.

so tonight i don't really have much homework, except chemistry... actually nevermind that. i have a lot of work... ahhh well. okay loves logs n lovers, i have to go now, to dinner. i will probably see my stalker s#1 because she is always there at the beginning of dinner... i haven't seen her lately & this concerns me because im like "wtf where'd you go?" yeah... expect an entry later tonight, because i have much to tell you, blue roses, perhaps something about moleskines or how i dump my babies down stairs, or shakespeare, or my dead gay lovers, or some such nonsense... chipchipcheerie then. oh as an update the people are still wearing their collars, and we're having some sort of pj party on sunday, with the staff and so on, so this should be quite entertaining, if not a distraction from my usual state of relative despair. ahhh. perhaps i shall present you some musings like pink gelatin containing an elephant.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


as i write this on my blog, my friend is making fun of the fact that a dog nearly raped me.

i do not approve.

but that is a topic for another time, perhaps when i am less sober.

i'm sitting on a shaggy rug eating mixed nuts. the mixed nuts are organic, and were triple-sealed until i removed two of the seals. it would be hard to eat them with three seals. *ort ort*

soon, i will go to eat dinner, and surely see my stalker, who is always first in line. this stalker, for the purposes of those reading this scribe of my life, will be known as s#1. there are other names for this person, but again, perhaps these will be discussed later.

today was a pretty lame days as far as days go.

first i had adolescent psychology. that was okay. we had a discussion that was rather entertaining, actually.

then came social psychology which sucked (like usual).

then advisor lunch... and i felt guilty about what i was eating, as per usual during advisor lunch, which is why i do not like advisor lunch. see, my advisor is uberhealthy, and like, a GOOD vegetarian, whereas i am a comparatively bad vegetarian. she runs ultramarathons; i haven't been able to run since 7th grade. so really it's fail.

but i figured out what courses i'm [hopefully] going to take next semester... w00t.

then was chem lab... which was interesting because we watched things explode and i made something a milky blue. i was pleased.

after dinner we're going to... come back to our dorm... and i have to study as usual [because that's all my life seems to consist of besides sleeping]. after that... we're going to see a play! and then... more studying... then sleeping... then studying... then tests, and so on, and then, THANK GOD, I AM GOING HOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i decided to post again today because i only have a crap post on here from yesterday and i wouldn't like you to think that all i write is crap posts (though it may be true; we'll see). today was kinda slow though... all night i kept falling asleep and waking up and doing random things, like (according to my roommate; i myself have no memory of it) working on chemistry for 40 minutes at 2 am, and taking a shower at 5 am... um. i had classes, then came back to my room and read part of "looking for alaska," which is an okay book. it isn't great or anything but as far as YA lit goes, it's pretty good. then i slept until 6... and went to calc tutoring until 8... and now here i am at 8:30. if you hadn't noticed already, college life is EXTREMELY exciting.

i'm just happy because we have a four-day break coming up :P i'm not taking the train, unfortunately, but my father is driving down to pick me up... yay! i'm not sure what i'm doing for break, but i'm sure it'll involve a lot of sleeeeeep.

sleep is what i've rather been craving lately... got nearly 8 hours last night and a 2 hour nap today. it's kind of unfortunate that i have, you know, WORK to do, or i'd be sleeping right now... anyway. here's what's been going on:

1. four people on my floor - that's 19% mind you - are now wearing collars. like dog collars. they have no real reason for this. seriously. i asked, so why are you wearing a collar? all they said was, uhh idk. i figured maybe there was some strange significance for this collar-habit, but there isn't. so i'll keep you updated on this. i hope no one else starts wearing collars. life here is already weird enough, y'know?

2. my roommate says i have freshman depression, and that all freshmen get it, but as far as i can tell, no one else is depressed? this fact kinda makes me more depressed. that and my constant listening to elliott smith and kill paradise. and now jimmy eat world (drugs or me). hmmmmm. happiness much? i think not.

anyhoozer. i'm going to go study for my bio test... and ATTEMPT calc homework... and clean my room since we have some sort of inspection combo tomorrow (blech!). maybe finish some books later, and then - you guessed it - SLEEP. glorious, glorious SLEEP.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A bad first post.

Ohemgee! I have a blog! It's kind of dangerous for a person such as myself to have a blog. Tossing my ideas all over the interwebs? Ohdang. Kind of like my band.

Yes, I have a band.

It's called Brown Girl White Girl. I think you should listen to our songs, because they're amazing.

And I think I may go write some more before I do my chemistry homework, because dear god, chemistry *just* might run away with my soul for good tonight. And I'd like to get all my songs scribed in my new moley beforehand, just so the other band members can have something to work with while coping with my new lack of soul and so on.